Readers Comments
mindyjourney wrote: Oooh, talk about seeding Kindness! :))) How very interesting and such a labor of love! Truly trees have been calling to me lately as well. Thank you for following your heart and the tree's call :))))))) to make a difference!
Mish wrote: What a beauty-full "madrona mission"! I applaud your passion, hard work and sharing such beauty with so many. Blessed be.
janfour wrote: i will read about these trees. how lovely. you are like Miss Rumphius of trees. thank you
John74 wrote: Wonderful!! Thank you for your contribution to the world. :-)
John74 wrote: I just read about the trees. How marvelous a creation!!
Madronaman wrote: My neighbors have started calling me the Johnny Appleseed of Madronas! Most of us here probably share the attitude of leaving the world more beautiful than you found it. This one ranks right up there with raising my children in my opinion.
Rajni wrote: It is nature's way of reminding us of kindness. Thanks
autumnsky38 wrote: Wow. What a great way to "seed" kindness in the world!
splain wrote: This is your passion and what you love doing. You are actually changing your area with the planting of these seeds. Love to see a photo in a few years. Wow, love it
leoladyc728 wrote: fabulous post. thank you