Stories of Kindness from Around the World

He Sent A Stranger A Gift Off of Their Amazon Wish List

--by lewski711, posted Apr 28, 2017
I was reading "Kindness Boomerang" (a book that gives ideas and inspirations of kindness for each day of the year), and I saw this one. I went to Amazon and found a random person's "Wish List" using this link.
Then, I was able to find an item, buy it and ship it to them, as well as leave a gift note. I don't know personal info about them, but their name and city.

Wish I could be a fly on the wall when they open the box.

#AprilRAOK #BeKindToOneAnother

2033 Reads

Readers Comments

debbe530 wrote: You always inspire me, lewski. I feel hopeful knowing there are teachers like you in the world. Thank you!
lewski711 wrote: Thank you, debbe530. :)
Mish wrote: How awesome 👍
mindyjourney wrote: Fun being a part of the kindness boomerang :)). Thank you!
leoladyc728 wrote: I didn't know Amazon has a wish list.
pkindian03 wrote: Grand deed!
pkindian03 wrote: Where can I get this book?
lewski711 wrote: It's on Amazon, pkindian03.
Pyronik wrote: What a fab idea :-) plus I love book recommendations - thank you
healingtree wrote: That's a boomerang that really rings needed changes!

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