Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Her Quiet Sit On A Park Bench, Has Become A Place of 'Therapy' For Passers-By

--by Mish, posted Apr 22, 2017
The past two days, when I sit on a bench after my park walk, an acquaintance comes over to sit by me and needs to 'vent' about something that is apparently troubling him. He goes on and on, and sometimes repeats himself. I listen patiently and let him vent. He thanks me for letting him vent and apologizes. I tell him no apologies necessary, that we all need to be listened to.

I am learning as I listen, as some of what is irking him helps me understand some similar things that sometimes irk me as well.

I also like thinking that by sitting there on that bench in the sunshine on a glorious park day, I am getting an extra kindness act in by listening and occasionally sharing some thoughts with him that might help him. 

“There are times that all you need is someone who will listen to you without judging you — not telling you what you should have done or should do, but simply, listening to you” ― Bernard Kelvin Clive

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Readers Comments

cabbage wrote: That is soooo beautiful. Thank you! Love it.
SissyLee wrote: Thank you for being a listener.
Raindrop1972a wrote: Awesome, thanks for sharing.
patjos wrote: I that you second from the right ,with some sort of pink gin in front of you, Mish?
mindyjourney wrote: Yep, that's Mish! :)))))) Except could be a martini?? :)). Thank you for opening self to a deeper listen and learn, dear twinnie!
leoladyc728 wrote: thank you for having listened to this man . We all need to vent at some point.
pyronik wrote: the sunshine is a bonus, the universe is smiling on your kindness. Thank you for listening :-)
splain wrote: I think your right on this one. Everyone sure needs to vent at one time or another.
kjoyw wrote: Have a fridge magnet that says, "Who needs a therapist if you have a Book Club!" Great post. Like that word 'irk'.

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