Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Man on The Streets Picking Up Litter

--by kiwicat, posted May 25, 2017
It's no surprise that I'm passionate about picking up litter. I have shocked and shamed my family by picking up litter in evening wear and heels on a night out too!

However, yesterday, I saw a man with gloves and a big bag picking up litter in our street!! I thanked him heartily, and he didn't realize that it was Earth Day when he was doing this - an added bonus.
907 Reads

Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Yay for you and the man picking up litter on the street! Thank you for thanking him :)).
Melnotes wrote: Wonderful contribution you and others make to mother earth Kiwicat! thank you :)
Brindlegirl wrote: You are inspiring them Kiwi. And ... magnetically drawing them all to you. Don't ever for one minute believe, that you cannot make a difference!
leoladyc728 wrote: you are a woman who follows her own heart. Kudos to you
Mish wrote: Grateful ❤️🌍❤️
autumnsky38 wrote: Good for you!!

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