Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Magic Of Listening

--by SHAILJASBSS18, posted May 26, 2017
One of my friends was facing hard issues regarding her work. She told me this and asked how she could find the way out of it. I really had nothing to show her about the way out. I could do nothing to
give her a solution because the problem she was facing was entirely different than I could help with.  I decided to do the least I could do. Just  listen to her and console her.

What I did certainly was really nothing to resolve her problem but the next time she met me she was very happy. I felt great to see her sunny face, and she said that she was grateful because she was capable of resolving her issue, but  just needed someone by her side who would listen to her.

I felt very happy that I could make her happy. Many times people don't need a hand, just the moral support which keeps them going, and it takes nothing. Really nothing out of us to give them that joy.
Keep smiling!
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Readers Comments

patjos wrote: Thank you for sharing, it sounds as if you have increased the bond of friendship too :)))
Rajni wrote: It is better not to think that you can't help. We can pray. Give the moral support the way you did. Thinking positively and inspire others to think positive is the best way to offer solution. When we think positively with unwavering faith in what we think and believing in it can change to favorable circumstances. Jut start thinking positively and try to keep it that way. If negative thoughts come think it will not happen and , immediately replace with positive thoughts. Positive affirmations can also help.
Mish wrote: Welcome to KindSpring, Shail. Do glsd you are here with all of us. Listening is a powerful kindness act. Well done by you 👍
mindyjourney wrote: Hello and welcome to KS :)))). Listening is a gift of much, my friend...time and focus and heart. Thank you!
John74 wrote: It is wonderful that you were there to listen and provide her a special person to be that support. Thank you!!
shailjasbss18 wrote: thank you all for your appreciation and love
kmbhai wrote: lovely ..
autumnsky38 wrote: Welcome and so nice of you to give her what she really needed. 😊
leoladyc728 wrote: thank you for helping your friend. I know she so appreciates you
Bonnie wrote: This is so wonderful. You reached out and made a difference. Well done!

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