Stories of Kindness from Around the World

He Refused Her Offer to Play the Harp For Three Weeks But Softened When He Accidantly Heard It

--by SissyLee, posted Apr 29, 2017
Monday I went to a nursing home where hospice has a number of people and yesterday I went to the hospital's oncology wing and played my harp at the bedside. I go both places each week. There was one man at the nursing home who has refused my offer for the last 3 weeks. His roommate always asks if I will play for him. As he is not part of the hospice I volunteer for, I move on to find those who are first.

This week my schedule wasn't so rushed so after the refusal, I did sit down and play for the roommate. My back was to the hospice patient. After 1/2 hour, I got up and saw the hospice patient with his mouth open in awe. He couldn't thank me enough.

The nurse caught me in the hall and told me he was a terribly tough nut to crack, that it was so good for him to experience this. She had been in there too, and I didn't know it. I am so glad I had the time and even more grateful for the persistence of the roommate, who I believe was a bit of an angel, unintentional or not.
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Sacred for him, I believe. Wow.
healingtree wrote: So very beautiful to read this and know it happened. Thank you for offering healing music, such an intrinsic, powerful spirit-touch.♥
lt33 wrote: That's great wow 3 weeks it was your kindness of time that showed this guy u would be back + care 😃💜😉
John74 wrote: That is beautiful!! Thank you.
Helenconnell2 wrote: Thank you for sharing your talents and love with others.
horsegirl21 wrote: Thank you for sharing your gift
mindyjourney wrote: I can almost hear the fluttering of wings in your harp post, my friend. Well done!
kjoyw wrote: Bless you for your work like this with Hospice patients. My Dad is on Hospice.
SissyLee wrote: I am so honored to give this rewarding service. The stories I hear and the people I meet are truly amazing. Thank you all for providing such support.
leoladyc728 wrote: thank you for touching him

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