Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The "Weeding Party" Got Together For Their Beloved 92 Year Old Neighbor To Surprise Her In a Sweet Way

--by LiliAB, posted Apr 30, 2017

Our cross lots neighbors, a family of six, four kids under the age of 12, are outside working in the yard of Eula, their south edged, 92 year old neighbor, while she is away for the weekend. They are holding a "Weeding Party" to surprise her.

So far, they have unearthed lots of nature's treasures including long ago disposed of glass bottles, aluminum cans, and shredded fabric pieces. Terence, the patriarch and Melanie, the matriarch have built a large bin, and are in the initial stage of composting four large bags of brown and green waste,

Sarah, the eldest of the four kids, and Stephen the next in line (ages 12 and 10 respectively) are making a Welcome Back sign and cookies to leave on Eula's stoop.

What a grand surprise it will be. Eula, who is no longer able to stoop to weed successfully, loves her yard and is often outside on her stoop in the late afternoons when the neighborhood is bustling with activity. She makes cookies for the kids to enjoy as they pass her home on their way hither and yon with their after-school activities.

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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: What a great surprise for Eula!!! So reminds me of our dear Luella (who recently transitoned) that was yoga student. LOTS of energy and beauty in that weeding kidndness :)).
Mish wrote: Now this is so beautiful!!!!! So warms the heart ❤️
Dani93 wrote: Aww lovely! I really love it when you find something beautiful in amongst the weeds 💖💜
leoladyc728 wrote: what a fantastic thing to do for Eula.
savraj wrote: So much love here. Thankyou for sharing this very inspiring story!
balou wrote: What a beautiful gift for EUla!!
kjoyw wrote: How industrious of them! And so loving!
Virginia wrote: What a wonderful way to repay eula's friendliness to the neighborhood residents. Bravo to those who participated. They will have pride in their deed and a heart-warming experience to remember.
carolec wrote: I love this idea. Wonderful.

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