Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Blessing From A Box

--by SissyLee, posted May 21, 2017
Last night a neighbor stopped me in the street and waved a piece of paper about. I have a poetry box in my front yard. People can take a poem if they like.

This one was a Celtic Blessing and she informed me that after her walk she would be reading it to her husband who is ill and can't get about much anymore. She is mostly Irish, she told me. Glad to make her smile!
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Readers Comments

Annc wrote: What a lovely thing to do for your neighbors!
mindyjourney wrote: i do so LOVE ❤️ your poetry box idea :))). Can you tell us more how it works??
SissyLee wrote: It is easy. You get an old realtor box and fill it with poems. I change it monthly. I have a note on the front that says "Poetry Box! Take one! Bringing Poetry to Your Neighborhood!" I found out about it from a a woman in a store who had a handful of poems. Asked her what they were for and she told me for her poetry box. I asked how could I do it -- she said get a realtor box, new or old or ask a realtor to donate one (I did -- my realtor was tickled to do so). Here in the Eugene/Springfield OR area, this was catching on to the point that the art council made a map and once a year people would go to all of the boxes and read poetry aloud. I don't know if that still happens, but the poems go . . .
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for your explain!!!! We live on a quiet cul de sac, so not a great traffic area...but maybe in front of downtown arts council...:)))).
Rajni wrote: Very good idea to give away poetry. Your explanation is also very helpful. Thanks for thisinspiring post.
healingtree wrote: This is new to me---and such a fabulous idea! I am loving it totally and wondering how to do it in this area....I don;t even know what a realtor's box is!! Not sure we have here in Wales....Buts SussyLee, thank you for taking up on this idea and making it work in your neighborhood. I am sure you will inspire many, with both poems and a thought about creating a poetry box, too....
debbe530 wrote: Good on you, SissyLee, from a neighbor in Portland.
kjoyw wrote: What a great idea is that poetry box!
splain wrote: Great idea and Mindy has thought of the perfect place!!!
leoladyc728 wrote: love the idea of your poetry box. thank you for doing this

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