Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Show at School

--by novaphantasma0, posted May 22, 2017
This was a few days ago, but I went to a performance at school. I bought a ticket for whoever came up to buy their ticket next. As I was walking away, I heard the woman who was next to me say, 'that young lady just inspired me,' and I think she paid for someone else too. (=
828 Reads

Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Thank you for spreading kindness & inspiring others! Bless.
mindyjourney wrote: Love when a pay it forward inspires a whole ripple :)). Thank you :))
splain wrote: It can be so catching. It does inspire others to do the same thing. You did well
leoladyc728 wrote: so nice of you to do.
lewski711 wrote: Love how your act of kindness was the catalyst for who knows how many more!

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