Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Student's Letter of Gratitude To Her Teacher

--by LiliAB, posted May 7, 2017

Dear Mrs. B;

When I graduate in 43 days you will be there
Like when I came in from recess covered in oozing mud
You cleaned me up and didn't ask what happened
When I stopped sniffling and told you
You offered me warm wet wipes
Then listened to what I wanted to do.
You helped me face those bullies
We called my parents
The 6 parents and 4 kids all came into school
We all came to conference in your office
The kids had to pledge to do kind acts with me

We all planted the garden boxes together.
Thank you for your respect and your love

Forever your friend, formerly your student,

938 Reads

Readers Comments

patjos wrote: Wonderful! :)))
mindyjourney wrote: Dear dear maggie!!! And what a kind spirit you have encouraged and help grow 🌺. Thank YOU, dear lili!
Alisamom wrote: Awwww that is so sweet I love it! She well remember you for the rest of her live <3
Mish wrote: Part of you lives on in each student you have helped. How awesome. ❤️
John74 wrote: That is so wonderful! You have touched the souls of many. 😃
kjoyw wrote: Oh, this so melts my ❤️! I often got letters from my students and I have saved many of them. And this is a very special one, indeed. Maggie surely has a soft spot in her ❤️ for you!
starryskies wrote: 💓 💓
leoladyc728 wrote: what a lovely letter. Maggie has much respect and admiration for you. So aptly deserved.
GigiSky wrote:
What a great letter. Students always remember the ways that teachers loved and accepted them. Thanks for sharing!
Subh wrote: Bless you maggie for your love and respect. Hope the values you learned will be your strength and reason for success.

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