Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Love Is Like A Car Battery

--by cabbage, posted May 18, 2017
I was parking at a hiking trail that I frequent when a man in the car next to mine leaned out and started to ask me for help. It turned out that his battery was low and no one would help jump start his car!

I asked him if he had cables, which he did, and in less than 5 minutes I gave him a jump start and his car started with no problem. He thanked me and asked "how much do I owe you" and I looked at him in disbelief and said "not a thing!"

He said "You won't believe it but I've been sitting here for so long and I asked at least three people to help me and no one would do it". That made me really sad. I was thinking that perhaps because of how he looks, his ethnicity, or whatever, people might think he was going to ask them for money or something and just automatically said "no" without even realizing that they could help him so easily. He also told me that one man told him "My battery is old so it can't help you".

I was thinking that the battery is like the love in our hearts, we get charged more the more we give it away to others! And it doesn't deplete our hearts to give.
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Readers Comments

AndiCas wrote: I'm so glad you could help him.
Rajni wrote: Very nice of you to help needy driver. Thank God He sent you at the right place at the right time. May others get inspired by this post to follow suit. I am happy to learn that you charged his battery and He charged your battery (heart) with love. You are pain much more than the driver was offering to you. Thanks for share,
kmbhai wrote: Thanks for help... Love is all where...
Davidlr wrote: always help people. Very kind of you. Thinking of a battery compared to love is so true, and it is sad that we live in a world where eople won't help jumpstart a guys car because of his ethnicity. I know it has gotten better, but there needs to be more chance.
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for you help and insightful reflection, my friend ❤️. By giving we sure do receive!!
Mish wrote: Love your analogy ❤️ Thank you for restoring his faith in the kindness of people, cabbage. Bless.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Thanks for taking the time to care and help!
kjoyw wrote: Absolutely wonderful post! So inciteful!
leoladyc728 wrote: thank you for showing him there are good people around
RoseMarie wrote: Love this and the analogy. Thank you for your kindness to him x 💓

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