Stories of Kindness from Around the World

An image that helped him during WWII was tragically destroyed, until now

--by alisamom, posted May 27, 2017
When my dad was a little child during WWII in Germany, a picture of a guarding angel hung over his bed. He had lost both his parents by the time he was 20, but he still had this picture, which by then was badly deteriorated.

In his middle age, he brought it to a local artist to have it restored. The artist kept it for a year and eventually, my dad got upset and wanted it back. When he went to pick it up, the artist tore it into pieces in front of my dad saying that it's a worthless piece of paper because it was just a generic print on cardstock.

Well, my dad's family was poor and it was from WWII when nobody had money, yet it was still valuable for my dad! After that, my parents kept the pieces in the back of a closet for many years.

Last year while visiting home I asked them to give me the pieces - at least a dozen of them, with several pieces missing. I gave them all to my husband, who carefully scanned everything to digitize it, and then he spent pretty much every spare minute he had in the last 6 months to restore this painting on his PC.

This is his restored version, which we are now having printed on canvas and my dad will get it as a belated Father's Day gift in about 2 weeks.
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Readers Comments

splain wrote: Oh how wonderful to be able to get it restored like this. Your husband has really put so much effort into this. Your father will really love this.
Marleen wrote: Awesome gift.. he'll be so grateful 🙏
debbe530 wrote: Oh my goodness. What a horrible thing to do to someone. And now, what an act of love that you and your husband have done. Bless you, sweet girl. [I know you are a full grown woman but you are younger than I...]
SissyLee wrote: So glad the pieces were kept. What a tremendously lovely thing to have it restored. I bet he will be so surprised and delighted!
kjoyw wrote: Amazing story! What a wonderful kindness that you and your husband are doing for your Dad. Hecwill just be overwhelmed with happiness!
Rajni wrote: Matrudevobhava, pitrudevobhava means parents to be revered as GOD. WE are indebted to our parents such that we are not able to pay back what they did for us and still doing. You and your husband did a great job restoring that invaluable picture that your dad loved too much. Thanks for sharing this lovely post. It looks like it is Father's Day today. Thanks for sharing.
horsegirl21 wrote: I am sure you father will really be touched by this restoration :))
savraj wrote: So wonderful that you were successful with the restoration and will surprise your dad with it. Beautiful
healingtree wrote: Such an inspiring story, and how awesome over so many, many years to come to such a desirable conclusion! Your husband's work was a labour of love and that will come through to your father, as will your love in starting this process. "The manner of giving is worth more than the gift"---though the gift is a great kindness.
leoladyc728 wrote: such a fabulous gift for your father

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