Readers Comments
mindyjourney wrote: Beautiful music, my dear friend. Peace in every note and on every dove wing. Thank you.
healingtree wrote: It's all about the journey, and your music helps them on this final part of their journey on the planet. Grateful that the cosmos has somehow brought you to this place.
Mish wrote: How truly wonderful that you can share your talent in such a serving way. Yours is a true Divine Service. Bless 😇
gardengal10 wrote: When my time comes, I hope that there is someone like you at my side playing beautiful music.
patjos wrote: thank you
DANCE wrote: what beautiful kindness you keep spreading
kjoyw wrote: Very worthy, scored work. Bless.
leoladyc728 wrote: you are an angel
RoseMarie wrote: Simply beautiful x 💓
humblebumble wrote: what a blessing you are to them. a sacred healer with harp <3