Readers Comments
Neise wrote: I saw this on the internet, that's awsome that he helped the ducks get to the water with their momma. He is a duck hero
JuneBug wrote: Duck! It's raining ducks!!!! I quack myself up! ....Cute story,Bobert!!! I love it!!!
Kanga wrote: That's lovely. Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith and hope your wings grow on the way. In this case the mother duck had faith in your friend.
cabbage wrote: Reminds me of the children's story "Make Way for Ducklings"! Great true story.
Grammagussie wrote: Now isn't that just Ducky !!! :), :) Some mothers have to rely on faith if they don't plan ahead. Ben there, done that.
maer wrote: Precious story! This kind of stuff should make the news!! Beautiful.
makesomeonesmile wrote: What a great kindness to show to our little web-footed friends! A story to make anyone smile, thanks!
JuneBug wrote: I hear MSS has webbed feet!!! :)
Modestobob wrote: Junebug, I've heard the same thing about MSS with webbed feet also! It really "quacks me up!" :) ~ModestoBob
sethi wrote: Great commitment from all the people involved to see the dcklings get to the water. Inow wonder how did the ducklings get back where thy came from. Thank you.