Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Words Of Comfort At A Sad Time

--by greenurlifenow, posted Jun 8, 2017
I spoke with a coworker of mine today, and she told me some sad news. Her beloved dog is not in good health, and to spare the dog any further suffering, she is going to put the dog to sleep.

I knew that it was very painful for her to go through this loss, so I gave her a card with a note to tell her how sorry I was for her to lose her beloved dog and also thanked her for her help at work. I included a gift card for the 711 convenience store, so she could get herself a coffee and a treat.

I hope my words provide some comfort to her at this time of sadness. It is never easy to say goodbye to a beloved pet.

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Readers Comments

cabbage wrote: That is so sweet of you. I'm sure she will appreciate it.
leoladyc728 wrote: I know how hard it is to lose a pet. Blessings to your friend
healingtree wrote: So glad you thought to to give a card, not everyone realizes how hard it can be to lose a beloved pet. Your support really does matter.
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for your extra kindness for colleague during this sad time in loss of her pet.
splain wrote: Thank you for being so kine and helpful. Such a hard decision, The card will mean so much and bring comfort
Mish wrote: Losing a beloved animal companion is a deep & painful loss. Thsnk you for giving her your support.
kjoyw wrote: Bless you for the support you gave this person concerning the loss of their beloved pet.

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