Today I went to the fudge shop and treated myself to a hot chocolate and a piece of cheesecake. I didn't have the funds today to buy a piece of fudge. I sat outside, we've had a glorious autumn day. Blue skies, sunny and warm - so there was a springy vibe.
I write my novels by hand and worked on my third chapter. Did a bit of day dreaming when I stopped writing.
I noticed these really big citrus fruit and they were the biggest lemons you've ever seen. Shannon offered me the lot. They were free. I was quite happy to have two and save the rest for someone also. So I got an idea. You can buy some Lions Australia lollies, similar to lifesavers for 50¢. The money goes to a charity.
So I bought some musk lollies and Shannon had a card I could use. So I had a lemon and the lollies and wrote something like this:
"Hello Stranger! May you use the lemons to make lemonade into your life and sweets to make life sweeter. Love from Another Stranger". I drew a heap of love hearts. I think whoever gets the lemon, which I also drew a smiley face on it will get a kick out of it and should smile big time.
I felt so happy to show kindness.