Stories of Kindness from Around the World

My half full Water Bottle

--by Mish, posted Jun 19, 2017
Water Kindness

Oddest thing, on way home from park, older gal sitting on a porch, asked me if I had water, as I was passing her house. I said yes, I have. She said, no, I mean for me. I said well I already drank some, do you want it? Yes she said, I am dying of thirst. I gave her my bottle of water and said keep it. She thanked me. I left. Why wouldn't she have gone into the house for water. Locked out?
I don't kow, but putting this on my RAOK list for today.

(It might have been that she was locked out.)
Funny, I usually finish all the water in my bottle after I sit on the bench after my brisk walk in the park.  Today I had to cut my walk short because my sandals ribbed a blister on my foot, so I hardly drank any. Maybe the Universe knew I was going to need to share?

1940 Reads

Readers Comments

Oliver wrote: Nice you did good
splain wrote: Always happens. Things just seem to happen. Thanks for what you did
michelelpurce wrote: sometimes I do believe we are being tested. :) and you passed with flying colors. :)
RoseMarie wrote: Perhaps she was locked out? Sounds like a bad day to have been without water. Thanks for replenishing her, love image too x
mindyjourney wrote: I think was an angel twinnie...often they cross our paths, asking aid, providing aid, being there to encourage and support, and yes..mabye test too. Maybe that blister was sort of a "gift!" Thank you for providing assistance!
kjoyw wrote: Isn't it so amazing how these things work ou?!? Hope your blister is not too sore?
Lilijourney wrote: Thank you for kindness opportunities 💞
autumnsky38 wrote: Aww thanks for helping her! A few years ago when I was still in Colorado I locked myself out and had my beautiful dog Sandy with me. We couldn't get in and my ex husband couldn't come home from work to let us in, and thankfully my neighbor lady saw us and brought us to her house where she gave us water and a snack, and then called a locksmith for me. I'm so grateful for her still, and for you helping this lady today. (((Hugs)))
savraj wrote: Yes, it knew and gave you a nudge!!

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