Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Drive Thru Blessing

--by LiliAB, posted Jun 20, 2017
Feel Better 💗

My daughter Kelsi,was sobbing silently as we went through the coffee shop Drive thru. She had received tragic news about a close friend via text.

The young employee Melly was someone I knew from her time at our school site, at least 15 years ago. My daughter went to a different school district, and  had not ever met Melly.

What a Kind surprise when my distraught daughter' s smoothie came out with a LOVEly blessing. Melly, thank you for easing my Kelsi's immediate pain.

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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: How sweet is that? :)))). What a lovely gesture of comfort! Blessings to your daughter of continued comfort.
leoladyc728 wrote: so sweet.
AndiCas wrote: What a lovely gesture to witness. Thankyou Melly. Sending love to Kelsi.
RoseMarie wrote: How lovely x 💓
kjoyw wrote: Very kind indeed!
autumnsky38 wrote: Aww very nice and btw, my heart goes out to Kelsi. ❤️💜💛💙
Mish wrote: So sweet & tender ❤️
debbiecox wrote: How sweet of melly. It just takes a few seconds to show an act of kindness. It's the little things that can send comfort.
ms_joy wrote: Melly is definitely sensitive to others and intuitive, thankfully for your daughter's sake. It likely made all the difference for her, i hope! :)

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