Readers Comments
wayfarer wrote: Well, I was tempted not to answer this ... but it's such a nice day :-)
Hey, TC, lovely picture you painted. It was a gorgeous day, wasn't it? Looks like we're gonna have another one too!
It's a shame that people are scared to talk. Yes, sometimes it does demand something of you, time, involvement, you might meet some weird people. But once you start to talk you find out that the majority of folk are great and you get back so much more than the effort it takes.
Hey, TC, lovely picture you painted. It was a gorgeous day, wasn't it? Looks like we're gonna have another one too!
It's a shame that people are scared to talk. Yes, sometimes it does demand something of you, time, involvement, you might meet some weird people. But once you start to talk you find out that the majority of folk are great and you get back so much more than the effort it takes.
wayfarer wrote: And what unusual family names :-)
TheakstonCat wrote: Ha, ha wayfarer! My 'boys' are unmistakably brothers, both the same height, have blonde hair, light eyes and exactly the same smile, both are musical and like football and they have exactly the same sense of humour, but one is broad shouldered and sturdy with rugby players legs (don't ask me which rugby player!!) and the other has long legs and long arms and a slender frame - it always amazes me they can be so alike and yet so different! I am 'Lickle Mum' now! (But still the Matriarch!)
FairyBubbles wrote: I suppose it is because when we are at work we have so many worries and deadlines to meet, so much pressure to deal with that it takes over our life. I am so glad we can get out life back sometimes and allow our natural happiness to flow.
JuneBug wrote: Gianjot expressed it so nicely! I like that! I got so caught up in your description of the picture of leisure..I wanna go back! :)
Grammagussie wrote: What a gift for writing you have. I could see myself enjoying the leisure walk by the cane. Then feeling the cold stark city life.Great post 

AURELIA wrote: Sounds like a lovely day with 2 of your sons! I think when we are out and about doing chores, we are focused on one thing... getting the job done and hurrying home to our loved ones. We always have time for a Smile though, don't we. So I'll be looking for you at the park today when I walk my doggies. :0) I'll be the one with the smile on my face :0) ~Aurelia