Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Nonviolent Communication

--by GigiSky, posted Jun 25, 2017
This morning I went to a Nonviolent Communication (NVC) workshop at a local retreat center because I have been feeling so angry about the political situation in my country. Even though I know that hate leads to more hate, my angry feelings overwhelm me on some days and I can find myself thinking negative thoughts over and over, judging people, and being irritable to others because of what I read in the news.

I really don't want to become like the people who are making selfish and hurtful choices, yet it's very hard to remain peaceful and kind when I see the loss of compassion, destruction of the environment, and disregard for racism that is going on. There is a part of me that just wants to go around shouting at people angrily to make them stop and think about what is being done, but that only leads to more conflict.

Attending this monthly program is my way of brushing up on my compassionate communication skills so that I can keep on doing my part to make the world a kinder, less violent place--even in the way I speak. Standing up for justice does not mean we have to shout and rage at people. It means speaking up for truth, but showing the way of kindness with courageous compassion. Peace...
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Readers Comments

Rajni wrote: Hostile attitude makes things worst. Your kind attitude to make others aware of injustice is very inspiring. Thanks
dotmatrix wrote: I really understand your anger and commend your choice. Love will win. I read this quote often to center myself: "There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always.” ― Mahatma Gandhi.
jbirkving wrote: Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings with us. I think it's amazing that you know and act on there feelings. I hope the workshop gave you the tools you needed😊 I inderstand that it can be fristrating when people at power are having oppesite Goals than you. I hope you'll Continuee to shine your light -compassion and kindness can change the World 😊
jbirkving wrote: My apologies for all the typos 😳😳
mindyjourney wrote: This is a very imporant learn and exercise, my friend. To push so hard against something is to draw that very thing more towards us. Thank you for realizing the path to truth and Peace, kindess and compassion. Please share with us as you learn more ways to cope and encourage what we want to see in the world.
patjos wrote: Yes, I agree. You are doing what you can do and leading by example, thank you. :)))
splain wrote: I so admire you going to this workshop. You have taken a way of dealing with this anger, and might I say, totally get why you are upset. The more peaceful and calm you are, the more people who interact with you, will feel this and react in a positive way.
SissyLee wrote: Non-violent communication rocks!
Mish wrote: Check out this website:

kjoyw wrote: Wonderful post. Uou are doing an admirable thing.

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