Stories of Kindness from Around the World

'When Called To Act, I'm All In"

--by LiliAB, posted Jun 18, 2017
Dr. Bazette, the father of one of my past students, is a trauma surgeon at our local hospital. His shift had ended when on his way back up the highway he came across a horrific scene. Two trucks stuck together. The second one hinged under the severed air brakes of the first. The driver immobilized and alive, his legs pinned inside his cab.

The local firefighters valiantly, over an hour's time manage to cut away the cab of the second truck, and lift the rear of the first truck, thereby gaining access to the driver. For the entire time, Dr. Bazette is actively on duty, supporting and comforting the stunned driver. After he is freed his body collapses, and Dr. Bazette springs into action.

In the Life Flight ambulance Dr. Bazette performs CPR on the young man for over 20 minutes, and revives him in preparation for the quick journey back to the local hospital that Dr. Bazette had just finished his shift earlier in the eve.

In the next hour,Dr. Bazette assists the team of trauma surgeons in stabilizing the driver of the second truck, thereby saving his life.

Melanie Bazette, his older of the three girls, shared this in her article in our district newsletter. Dr. Bazette's response to the accolades he is receiving. "When called to act, I'm all in ".
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Many thanks to Dr. Bazette and all those who go above and beyond! Blessings to all in such situations. Thank you for sharing with us, dear lili <3.
Mish wrote: A kindness hero. Bless him.
leoladyc728 wrote: So grateful Dr. Bazette was on the scene to help. Blessings to him
RoseMarie wrote: More tears in my eyes people really are good. Thank you for the reminder x 💓
kjoyw wrote: Bless him and his skilled kindness.
marie2000 wrote: Nothing is a coincidence. Dr bazette thank goodness for your skills and brave heart
Rajni wrote: No wonder, why some people think and consider doctors as God. Dr. Bazette is really God sent help to the driver whose life was saved. May God continue to bless him.

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