Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Ice Cream and a Lesson In Kindness

--by AndiCas, posted Jul 16, 2017
Last time I was in town with my son and his friend I decided to treat them to ice cream. I long ago discovered that buying a box of individual ice creams in the supermarket is cheaper than buying them individually, but they always seem to come in larger multiples than we need.

This time we bought a box of six, with just three of us to eat them. The boys of course didn't see this as being any problem at all and happily ate two each, but I thought that eating two myself would just be gluttonous and it would be a good opportunity to demonstrate some kindness. I gave the extra one to a young lad who was passing. I think setting a good example to my son and his friend was as important as the act of giving itself.
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Readers Comments

pyronik wrote: yay :-) good for you. You're setting them a great example.
mindyjourney wrote: Thank YOU for your ice-cream kindness :)). Oh, be sure your son and his friend were watching and noticed!
Mish wrote: Well done, Andi. I have been known to pig out & eat two :)))))
autumnsky38 wrote: Good for you! I don't think I could've resisted, lol, so I really think it's nice of you to do that!
leoladyc728 wrote: nice sharing
kjoyw wrote: Very nice giving! And a very good example to the children, incudong the boy who received one!

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