Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Her Kindness Saved My Girlfriend's Life

--by gyrocloudy, posted Jul 13, 2017
Kindness returned to me. This happened last Saturday, at 6:00 pm.
I was having a picnic day with my girlfriend. We both like to ride her motorcycle (she likes that I drive) and that day we drove to the nearest park. We bought some coffees and smoothies, then we were enjoying our food.

Within a few hours, sky was menacing and looked ready to drop a heavy rain. We packed everything again and we were ready to go. My girlfriend, who was sitting on a bench, suddenly was very still and she couldn't talk to me. She didn't move. Her eyes were rolling and she was about to loose consciousness. I held her in my arms and asked if she wanted to rest. She didn't answer and only said "Sorry..."

It started to rain and I didn't know what to do. She was fighting to stay alert but her skin was pale and her eyes were acting strange. Suddenly, from nowhere, a woman on a bicycle appeared, wearing a vest.

-"She doesn't looking good. Do you want me to call an ambulance?"
- "Yes, please, yes!" I pleaded.

She did. Struggling with the rain, she managed to call some policeman, who quickly helped me to carry my girlfriend to a safer place. The ambulance arrived and we went to a hospital, where she was revived and she regained conscious again in the morning, after rest and medical assistance.

An interesting fact was that I assumed the girl with the vest was a paramedic or something. I later learned from one of the police officers who told me: "Nope, she was a civilian who took some courses on emergency situations".

I am so grateful that she appeared exactly at the right moment. I don't why or how. I didn't even get the chance to say thank you. 
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Oh, my! So glad that your girlfriend is okay ❤️. The woman on bike was your angel, sent to provide assistance just when you needed. Amazing world this! Grateful.
RoseMarie wrote: My goodness, hope your girlfriend us well now. Definitely an earth angel with you x 💓
pyronik wrote: wow. That sounds scary - glad you had help, healing wishes for your girlfriend.
michelelpurce wrote: You were definitely visited by an angel. :) What a wonderful experience and am very glad your girlfriend is ok. Thanks for sharing. :)
patjos wrote: Thanks for sharing. I hope she is well now. :)))
kjoyw wrote: What a a miracle that help came when needed the most! Hope so much girlfriend is ok! Sure she knew that you were thankful for her assistance.
Mish wrote: Heaven sent 😇
leoladyc728 wrote: Wow! that woman certainly was there at the right time. Glad your gf is ok now
Sethi wrote: Thank you. Inspiring. Mysterious are the ways of the universe. . Your girlfriend's had strong intentions to live and last but not the least , that stranger was your girl friend's guardian angel.
Mrx wrote: Oh good please thank you

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