Stories of Kindness from Around the World

She Did This While Her Friend's Son Was In The Hospital

--by AndiCas, posted Jun 14, 2017
My friend's son is in hospital so her daughter is staying with me and I'm going up to the house to feed her dogs. When I was there yesterday I noticed that her washing machine was full of wet laundry so emptied out to hang.

Then I got inspired and collected up all the laundry. There was loads as her washing machine drain blocked last week and everything got wet and smelly.

I took it home and have so far washed and dried six loads. I'm hoping the majority will be ready for me to drop back at her house when I got to do the dogs later.
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Readers Comments

Helenconnell2 wrote: I am sure it will be a big relief for her. Xxx 😊
splain wrote: My goodness you are such a great friend. Still wish you lived next door :))))
michelelpurce wrote: What a blessing you are to her. Spread that ripple! :)
patjos wrote: Cool, awesome neighbourliness!
Novice50 wrote: Such a helpful and kind act!
SissyLee wrote: You are an excellent neighbor and friend.
mindyjourney wrote: You are soooo putting your kind heart and hands into action! Well done, dear andi ❤️. thank you.
Mish wrote: Wowzers, are truly a kindness energizer bunny!!!!! Bless.
leoladyc728 wrote: you are really wonderful
marie2000 wrote: A nice kind act, i'm sure your friend will be pleased. ❤️

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