Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Grow Strong Little Tree

--by LiliAB, posted Jun 15, 2017
This morning twenty four second graders, one amazing Dad, Mrs. C. and I gathered together to plant a tree. In clumps from the pick axed hole, clay soil came out, and in went soil amendment, pine bark, tree trimmed wood chips,,and a classroom full of  purposefully scripted good wishes.  Blessed by each child, our California Redwood tree "baby"  was then top dressed with part of the original clay soil.

When these now seven year and eight year olds are graduating from our local high school they can return to celebrate the tree they planted, ten years later. Each child wrote a wish for the tree that was placed into the hole prior to the covering up of the root ball.
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Readers Comments

pyronik wrote: that's lovely, a tree that will thrive :-)
AndiCas wrote: What a fabulous activity to do with the children. I do like the idea of the wishes planted along with the tree
Annc wrote: What a beautiful ceremony! The children will remember it forever.
cabbage wrote: Beautiful!! Thank you.
lt33 wrote: Something kids can go visit the rest of their lives and look back on it cool 🌲🌳
Mish wrote: I love this and it is soooooooo special👍🌲🌳🌲🌳🌲🌳☀️
savraj wrote: So beautiful! Many blessings to you all! May the trees grow to their full glory! ❤️
SissyLee wrote: That is truly special.
leoladyc728 wrote: my friend started a community garden years ago in a lot near the elementary school she worked in
mindyjourney wrote: i can see that tree smiling :))))). What a lovely way to encourage respect and reverence for those majestic redwoods!

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