Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Dove Magic Spreads In Oregon.

--by SissyLee, posted Jul 24, 2017
Today I gave two peace doves to a patient of mine and she was so thrilled with them that she told me her and her daughter would make them as a project during their yearly coastal retreat. I was so touched. She told me they always find some artistic project  to do and this would be perfect. She loves how they get to fly away and spread joy.

I told her how they might hang at different angles and such, but Kindspring member Mindy told me me that was OK as each has its own perspective. My patient told me she already liked this Mindy person. What a lovely web these doves create.
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Perhaps one of these Oregon doves will fly over to Portland and visit our dear KS sister Debbe ❤️🕊
lt33 wrote: Cool luv how Mindy peace doves are helping + healing so many people 😉💜
mindyjourney wrote: Love how those doves inspire our connection, create and Peace ❤️!!! Thank you for learning how to fold and sharing :). Doves on retreat! Nice :)))
SissyLee wrote: May they fly far and wide!
Lilijourney wrote: Fortunate are those who have Mindys handiwork in their realm. 🕊
autumnsky38 wrote: Yay!! 😊❤️
splain wrote: Those doves have now taken on a life of there own:))))
leoladyc728 wrote: I have always had wonderful responses when I give out Mindy's doves
michelelpurcel wrote: Mindy's doves sure do a lot of flying. :) spreading kindness everywhere they go. :)
DANCE wrote: Peace flying everywhere :-)

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