Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Homeless Man

--by mindyjourney, posted Jul 18, 2017
A homeless man and his dog were resting in the shade of the brick building, as Deadwood, SD tourist families -- intent on capturing some of that flavor of the old west, pretended not to see him.

"How are you today?" I asked him, smiling at his pup.

"Oh, okay." he replied. "I can't complain."

His eyes looked tired, even so early in the day, like he hadn't slept well in a long time.

Grateful for my combo knapsack/purse (that holds more RAOKs than personal items), I fished around until I found my Smiley change purse and dug out some cash from my "fiver" fund.

"And here's a Peace dove. I make and give. May you always be led in the direction of Peace, " I said.

Holding the colorful dove in his hand, the man looked up at me and said, "Bless you."

Now, why does this make me cry every time I think of our exchange?

Our true connect, my kind friends, is in the loving kindness we share.

Blessed beyond measure, with each circle of giving. Grateful.

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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: I also get teary from these open-hearted exchanges, twinner. ❤️
Rajni wrote: God sent you at right place at the right time. And sister Mindy, you made best use of it. We all know that connect and cash both start with "c" but connect gives us life time experience for our treasured memory book. Thanks for sharing this inspiring post and showing us how to deal with others without hurting their feelings.
cabbage wrote: Makes me teary eyed just reading this. Love you.
TheWayOfJesus wrote: Beautiful story.....
patjos wrote: :)))
splain wrote: I know what you mean. Like connecting straight away, an old friend. You do a lot of this Mindy :)))))
leoladyc728 wrote: lovely connection in your pool of heart felt moments

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