Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Hug From The Heart Between Strangers

--by Mish, posted Jul 2, 2017
I was gifted earlier today with one of my most heart-warming, and sweet, peace dove experiences ever!

I was sitting quietly reading a new book I am loving, when chatter outside our door caught my attention It went on for a while, so, of course I just had to go out and investigate.

It was a young man going door-to-door selling window installations. As he left our neighbor's porch we smiled at each other and struck up a conversation.

He had just graduated from college and was doing this as a summer job. I'd say he's about 21 years of age, tops. I was mesmerized by his eyes, which were the bluest of blue, like cornflower blue. He was so young, so sweet and genuine that my maternal instinct was triggered and I just wanted to give him a cuddle.

Anyway, after some small talk, I told him I wanted to give him something and asked him to wait. I ran in and grabbed a Smile Card and a Peace Dove (I always keep some handy near the door). I gave them to him and shared about and KS member Mindy's 'Peace Dove' mission. He was visibly taken by the share and told me he had been "looking for peace" (so sweet he was!). Well that was all the Mish had to hear, lol, and that led to a whole other conversation, as you can well imagine.

He then said "Oh, I just want to hug you." So I smiled and told him "It's what we KindSpring members do! A warm hug was shared between us. I told my husband: "He'd make a perfect KindSpring member!" (my husband, who had come alongside us, returning from jogging at that time. My husband smiled and agreed (He's used to me hugging strangers).

As we were saying good bye I offered him some cold water and he left saying he was so glad we had met today. That he needed our talk. I was glad too. 

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Readers Comments

sailormarypatten wrote: You were raised in a kind home to offer such graces.
LiliAB wrote: Reading this story is a wonderful way to start to my day. 😘
Rose-Marie Ritchie wrote: I wish i could go knock your door dear mish, not knick it as i just said lol. Hugs to you my friend. X 💓 rose-marie
Ardith Opferman wrote: What a sweet story! Most of us don't realize what a difference a few kind words and a listening ear can make!
AumNath wrote: I aggree with ardith operman. It's a very inspiring story:) and always you can strike up a conection
Like that with anywone (you might find spelling errorrss becuse i'm just a kid. )
gardengal10 wrote: I am so smiling from this interaction!
Rajni wrote: Hug blooms when two like people meet with kind heart. Thanks
janfour wrote: wow
kjoyw wrote: Such a touching story! A wonderful story of a lovely kindness connection that you are so gifted in manifesting. Bless.
mindyjourney wrote: ((((hugs)))). Our husbands are sort of getting used to all this kindness ❤️! Lovely dovely connect!

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