Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Calling In A Neighbourly Favour For A Friend

--by vsoul, posted Jul 17, 2009

Two days back when I was travelling to Delhi I received a phone call from a friend late in the night. She had missed her train from my home town Lucknow to India's financial capital Mumbai and had nowhere to go. I was not in town but I wanted to help this friend for three reasons :

1) She had phoned with hope and trust that I would help
2) She had helped me in the past
3) It was an opportunity for me to do an act of kindness. Vow !!!

I immediately called my neighbour (who is a very fine human being ) and said that I was sending this friend for a night stayover. My friend reached around midnight and you know what she got when she arrived: she was greeted with a hot cup of tea, a cozy bed, breakfast the next morning and contact details of a travel agent to rebook her train ticket.  

I have written this to express my gratitude and thank my neighbor  who did so much for a stranger, that too at odd hours. May her tribe increase!

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Readers Comments

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is great! Thanks for caring and looking out for your friend!
FairyBubbles wrote: What a fantastic thing your neighbour did and you too - you so wanted to help your friend.
lovebug wrote: It is only a personal opinion, but, I have found that when I decided to be kind, I am almost never alone, someone else has helped me, and all I do is pass it on.
Grammagussie wrote: What a gracious host/hostess you and your neighbor. Sounds like your 2 of a kind. Thanks for the
Jimpa wrote: Lucknow is a very special place. One of the great teachers Papaji lived and taught there. You are a lotus of loving kindness and compassion in full bloom. Your neighbors kind and compassionate acts are a wonderful teachings and blessing.

Many Blessings, Lama Jimpa
SANYOGITA wrote: Human beings just adapt to the surroundings & environment in which they live.since,Ur such a kind hearted person ur neighbours are just same like U.
AnjuDV wrote: Thanks Vibha for doing this. We always draw good when we become good. Love and Prayers - Anju
Britte wrote: I think that as quite good. One good turn deserves another. Have a great day.
JuneBug wrote: People helping people...We can make it a better world! :)
warmth wrote: what a noble soul ur neighbour is.
and thank u for sharing this sweet story

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