Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Stuffed Animal Matters

--by alisamom, posted Aug 8, 2017
"A stuffed animal might not matter much to the average person, but for a child, it could mean the world. When 10-year-old Leon Ashworth’s mom couldn't afford to buy him a stuffed panda he desperately wanted, he wrote a forlorn note on the toy’s box pleading with shoppers not to buy it until his mom could. What happened next was so heartwarming, it will melt you.

The boy, who lives in Liverpool, England with his mom, Debbie Ashworth, first saw his beloved ‘Pandy’ at an Asda supermarket, the British equivalent of Wal-Mart. Though he was willing to wait patiently until his mom’s paycheck came in on June 15th to take the cuddly bear home, the store’s staff decided to do something incredibly thoughtful after they noticed Leon’s scribbled letter.

In search of the young author, whom they didn’t know at the time, they posted the note on Facebook – and eventually attracted the attention of Debbie Ashworth, who immediately recognized her son’s handwriting. The Asda crew invited the mom and her son back to the store, and had a wonderful surprise waiting for them. “This is the best day of my life,” Leon remarked to his mom. For Debbie, who lost a prematurely-born son in January and has struggled since, the gesture was even more meaningful".

Story sourced from

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Readers Comments

1sher wrote: Lovely collective liverpool!
1sher wrote: Lovely collective liverpool!
Nanci Falley wrote: Lovely people, thank you.
Mish wrote: beautiful. And love that this sweet child then told his Mom he wanted her to donate the money she would have spent!
mindyjourney wrote: The connective and collective power of kindness! Powerful Panda! ❤️
Rajni wrote: Panda is kind enough to find owner fast. This happened because of Leon's intense desire matched with his positive thinking that materialized his wish. Thanks for sharing.

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