Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Timely Donations for the Right Woman

--by KiwiCat, posted Aug 19, 2017
My friend donated a whole lot of baby things and maternity clothes to me for the women I help at Job No 1. They were beautiful designer labeled tops and jeans. I unpacked them at work, and hung them on hangers and folded the jeans and put them on the shelves.

Today the most beautiful young pregnant woman came in. She only had a t-shirt on and yoga pants. She looked so cold and is due to give birth in a week or so. I got busy. She ended up shyly trying on a few things, then with some encouragement tried a few more things on. She went home with two big bags of warm clothing most of which was from my friend that she had donated.

I hang my thick winter jacket up in the office, and I saw her looking at it. I know! I gave last year's really nice winter jacket away to a homeless lady, so I really wanted not to give this one away too. BUT Providence stepped in, and there was another winter jacket more her size and she took that.

Our next visitor was a mother with twins. Perfect, my co-worker and I had one each to cuddle!

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Readers Comments

Annc wrote: Thank you for being there for so many
leoladyc728 wrote: thanks to both your friend and you for making that woman very happy and warm
Mish wrote: Yours is a heart overflowing with love ❤️
mindyjourney wrote: I remember the coat you gave and obviously the Universe did too :)). You were prepared to do again, but no need this time :). Thank you for clothing this young mother to be be in warmth and kindness :))
John74 wrote: Thank you for all you do. ❤️
DANCE wrote: what wonderful kindness
Horse-friend wrote: Thanks for your Support and the vivid discription, i could Well imagine the Situation :-))) i love the Kindness-news... I can read here!
kjoyw wrote: Bless you for this blessed giving!
Kixx wrote: What a sweet story. I can imagined you warmed her heart as well, and that has got to be good for baby.
Kixx wrote: Yikes, typo. Here is the correct version: what a sweet story. I can imagine you warmed her heart as well, and that has got to be good for baby.

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