Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Safe Sanctuary For Baby Abrielle

--by LiliAB, posted Aug 10, 2017
The Grammy looking woman dropped off her wee one with fifteen minutes left in the church service. "Please take good care of her, bless", she implored my daughter who is the Infant Child Care lead. Knowing that in her gut something was not at all right, Kelsey accepted the child, with a single diaper, a six-ounce bottle and a can of formula.

Forty-five minutes passed. All of the other babies were picked up by their care givers. Knowing the baby's name to be Abrielle, with a cell phone number scribbled down, Kelsey alerted the church nursery care coordinator.

Another thirty minutes passed, with calls being made by the church staff to the given cell phone number. Kelsey maintained her place in the nursery, refusing to delegate her care of Abrielle until a 'safe sanctuary' was established.

Both pastors came to pray with Kelsey and the baby, the emergency care county personnel having been alerted. Fortunately, the social worker who arrived first was one that our family knows personally, a relief to Kelsey. She came forward and hugged Kelsey and took the baby.

Abrielle is now in emergency respite care this afternoon, her story unfolding as more details are emerging. I appreciate that Kelsey honored her instinct to be a change for good in this wee one's world. Blessings on the 'safe sanctuaries' in our world.
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Glad the child was brought to a safe place. ❤️
mindyjourney wrote: Blessings of gratitude for that dear babe and for your daughter ❤️.
melnotes wrote: Sending love and comfort to this wee one and well done to your daughter for following her instincts.
alisamom wrote: I'm thankful that there are baby sanctuaries, I wish there were more, everywhere, all over. So great of your daughter to take care of the little one.
Annc wrote: My love goes out to Abrielle and a sincere thank you to Kelsey for her caring heart.
leoladyc728 wrote: so very happy she is safe
SissyLee wrote: I have never even heard of baby sanctuaries. What a story. Thanks for sharing.
kjoyw wrote: How wonderfully your daughter handled that delicate situation. Grateful for her and grateful for save havens for our wee ones!
glenystas wrote: Such a blessing in someones desperation. Lovely to know that safe sanctuaries exist.

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