Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Anything Helps!

--by lewski711, posted Aug 15, 2017
Went to the 99 Cent Store a week or so ago and stocked up a grocery bag with snacks, water and toiletries. Kept it in my car, until a couple days ago when I saw a guy on a freeway off ramp, holding a sign "Anything Helps".

I asked if my bag would help him, and he graciously said it would. Time to head back to the 99 Cent Store and make another bag.

#AprilRAOK #BeKindToONeAnother

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Readers Comments

Janetpoe944 wrote: Such a wonderful blessing! I have been holding onto some 1 dollar coupons and I hear the dollar tree accepts coupons . I bet I could do this really cheaply and keep bags in our car ❤ now my heads spinning with ideas ❤ thank you for the inspiration ❤ such a kind gesture ! I love it!
sandyremillar wrote: Perfect timing, dear kind friend.....blessings....
mindyjourney wrote: Aren't we lucky to have the opportunity to make a difference? :))) I keep some bags in the car ready to give, even decorate the bags with a Peace dove and call them Peace Meals :)). Thank you for doing!
lesleetessman wrote: I love this idea! Thanks for sharing!
John74 wrote: Excellent idea! Thank you for blessing him and for blessing us. :-)
DANCE wrote: very kind
Mish wrote: Like 👍👍👍
leoladyc728 wrote: thank you for having those things in your car
kjoyw wrote: So very wonderful! True kindness. Thank you!
Kixx wrote: I like that you asked him first. That is a great lesson. Thank your for that, and for your kindness to others.

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