Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Following the Nudge To Act in Kindness

--by michelelpurcel, posted Jul 22, 2017
The other day I went to the hospital to see my friend. They were moving her to a different room so I went to ask which room she was in.

There was a gentleman in from of me and he was asking about his car because it was towed. The people behind the desk were trying to help him. The towing place was on the other side of town and this man was walking. I do not know what happened but I know his eye (the white part) was dark colored, and he said he had contusions on his ribs. He needed medicine but if he took a cab to get his car then he wouldn't have the money for his meds. He told them he was in a shelter waiting to get his car. 

The lady behind the desk asked him to wait and they would see what they could do for him and wanted to help me. I found the room my friend was in and walked towards the elevator. As I walked I felt like I was being nudged.

I don't carry much cash but stopped and looked and I did have some. So I turned around and walked back to the gentleman and told him I know this won't cure everything but I hoped it would help. He was fumbling with his words at that point. (he spoke very well before that) so I just said God bless you. and I walked away. I don't know what his circumstances were and it isn't for me to know. The thing was I had to help. And of course as we all know when I helped him I helped myself. 
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Readers Comments

janfour wrote: people helping people - so nice of you. probably lifted him from a hard decision and situation for a bit.
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for following that nudge, my friend. You made a difference in that man's circumstances...and yes, you did indeed help yourself as well ❤️.
John74 wrote: Thank you for following your heart! :-)
balou wrote: Thank you for helping him in such a difficult situation, for listening to your nudge!
Mish wrote: You are a beautiful soul, Michele. Bless you. ❤️
Rajni wrote: Helping was good but walking away immediately was better for it did not leave any chance for that person to feel inferior complex. May God Bless you was the BEST thing to say. Thanks for inspiring story.
Novice50 wrote: This is what we all struggle with, walk away or listen to the nudge: well done and thank you.
leoladyc728 wrote: thanks for helping this man. I know he was very grateful
Madeleines wrote: The "nudge" is a simple reminder to.
Listen to your instincts, sense-intuition, question the angel tapping on the shoulder, and my favorite "what does your turtle tell you? " (over the hedge). Simple communication of spirit and heart.
Good for you!
Madeleines harkertwc@ wrote: Oops. "turtle tail" :)

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