Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Ichi-go Ichi-e, "one time, one meeting"

--by Mish, posted Aug 25, 2017
I had an "ichi-go ichi-e" meeting on the subway ride home this evening with the gal sitting next to me.

We talked all the way home (a 30-minute ride!). It was like talking with an old friend and many laughs were shared. At the end, I gifted her with a peace dove and shared a touch on her arm and blessed her as I got up to leave the subway car. 

Also had an "ichi-go ichie-e" with a 93-year-old woman sitting at the table next to ours in the restaurant. She was so spirited and joyful that I leaned over and asked her what was her "secret" ,

It's so easy to make friends – all it takes is reaching out with a smile and sharing conversation. Grateful.
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: So blessed to realize that our "family" is everywhere we go, as long as we meet with open caring hearts 💕... Now i want some sushi! :))
John74 wrote: What a wonderful blessing!!! Thank you for sharing with us! <3
kjoyw wrote: Lovely connections! So wide is our family when we justnop n our hearts and arms wide.
leoladyc728 wrote: you do really well at these itchi connections. Did you go to the theater to celebrate today?
ms_joy wrote: You do so wonderfully at being grateful, savoring precious moments, and sharing tender-hearted kindness with a loving spirit! You are a great example to many and I can picture your love light shining brightly with these delightful new encounters! What a gift for all involved! :) (Thank you so much for the lesson on Japanese words, too!)
healingtree wrote: What a sense of belonging you share with those you encounter. What love you give, you receive---it's awesome. Means there's plenty all around. Am happy to know this new word too. I have a lot of these. Must copy it down and remember. Thank you, Mish. You always come up with something helpful and nourishing. Super post and great photo, too.Sounds a lovely day.
Have a wonderful week. ❤️✻ ❤️★❤️
michelelpurce wrote: I love ichi-go ichie-e moments but never had a name for them. And Mindy I am with you, I want sushi! :)
DANCE wrote: :-))) you never know may meet them again
Mish wrote: I would love to meet up with both of these lovely ladies again, Dance :))
SissyLee wrote: I have never heard of this. This is like my hospital harp sessions. thanks for sharing.

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