Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Sharing Nature's Trails

--by AURELIA, posted Aug 9, 2009

Yesterday my husband and I went for a long walk on the trails through our local park and took our doggies along.  We pulled into the parking lot and parked the car. Our little doggies were all excited to hit the trails and so were we. It was a cool day and we had to hike up the hillside to get to the woods with pathways we enjoy. The gentle breeze and the smell of the earth as we approached the path made it even more inviting. 

We weren't walking along on the path more than two minutes and here comes the high school cross country track team!  We thought, "There goes our peaceful walk." :(   But little did we know that we'd still have a pleasant walk.  Our doggies learned to stop and watch the kids run by. They'd smile and wave and tell us how cute our dogs were.   Every once in  a while a big group would run by and then a few minutes later some stragglers.  The kids really were sweet and courteous towards us, always saying "hi" and Smiling.  They didn't have "Coming THROUGH!" or "Out of WAY!" attitudes.

Jim and I noticed some runners were going in the wrong direction and then we heard the encouraging words being said and knew they were the coaches. We made it a point to tell a coach as he approached us on the path that he had a great group of kids running and they had been so polite and happy to share the trail with us.

I'm sure with it being a public park, that the coaches have spoken with the kids about being nice because they are sharing nature's trails with others.  So, once again, the right attitude wins. It could have been a horrible experience if the kids were buzzing by us and running us off the path, but instead we all got to enjoy the beautiful creations all around us and still get a bit of exercise in. 

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Readers Comments

JuneBug wrote: Sounds lie a fun experience! The runners were on the right path in both ways !!! :)
Modestobob wrote: Glad you and Jim had some peace and a little exercise too! Nice to get out on walks unh Aurelia? A well placed compliment to the coach was really extra-special and he won't forget your kindness anytime soon either. :) ModestoBob
grammagussie wrote: What a pleasent walk...Thanks for sharing your story....You must live in a beautiful area
jaya wrote: Wow!!! Thanks for sharing with us Aurelia.. so kind of you. Good Luck!!
Jesusfreak wrote: How nice, A small gesture goes a long way.
You were right about enjoying gods creation.
Thank You so much for your Gift.
anonimus wrote: Don't you just love the fact that you are a part of His great creation?enjoying God's creations gives one a lot of peace and is humbling too..thanks for remembering us and sharing your lovely experience with us..:-}:-}:-}
Alraisi wrote: That was so nice ~Aurelia. Polite kids are the best kids ever. Sure you enjoyed your time there with your husband and doggies. Smiles for You!
warmth wrote: u r right, a right attitude wins.
Thank u for sharing a beautiful feeling with us. :)
Clueless wrote: WOW! I wish I was there :)

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