Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Hospital Healing

--by SissyLee, posted Oct 28, 2017
The orthopedics floor of the hospital presented me with more incredible experiences. I knocked on the door of a room with an elderly Japanese woman in the bed. Her eyes were closed. A caregiver was there and told me "Pease come in and play. She is in so much pain." I played for awhile and the woman's breathing evened out, but then I stopped to chat with the caregiver.

This caregiver understood music and sound healing without me having to explain anything. As we talked, the patient eventually began to moan and speak something in Japanese that the caregiver said was gibberish. This was done in a cadence. So I began to play "Flight of the Heron," which was in the same key as the moaning and I played with the same cadence. And then slowed. The woman stopped moaning and began to snore. I have experienced lesser moments like this -- this was dramatic. I left her a dove.

I also played for a man and his wife. He was getting ready to leave for rehab, but was so thrilled to have harp music come around. He had played trombone in his high school marching band.

The next recipient was a very elderly woman up in a chair, who asked me to play loudly and she smiled and shut her eyes and tilted her head to the heavens. She closed the book she was reading and just soaked the music in for 25 minutes. I liked her. She had long, drifting white hair, big glasses that magnified her eyes, and was dressed in a gingham housedress. I played until a nurse came in to do various procedures.

The last person I played for was eagerly awaiting his lunch so I played one song and then left.

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Readers Comments

Kixx wrote: Your descriptions of the people you play for are like postcards of these moments. So enjoyable and touching. Thank you for sharing.
DANCE wrote: wonderful, as always
Mish wrote: Amazing gift that you impart Bless
splain wrote: Your music can change how they feel. So beautiful
Alisamom wrote: It's amazing what music can do for people <3
mnc_91 wrote: Wonderful sound therapy 😊
mindyjourney wrote: I am with you, my friend, as you give the gift of healing song 🎶. Thank you!
leoladyc728 wrote: wonderful that your music has such a healing effect
AndiCas wrote: Those stories all equally wonderful but that first really does showcase how attuned to your listener you must be, as well as a skilled musician. It's a wonderful example of what sound healing can do. Thankyou, as always, for sharing.
autumnsky38 wrote: I'm so fouched by your sharings, Sissy Lee. It's like my soul expands as I read about your generous, loving, open heart, and I'm so happy for the people who you play for. I imagine that you give them far more than you know. 😊❤️

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