Stories of Kindness from Around the World

"Santa" to the Rescue

--by LiliAB, posted Oct 27, 2017

My colleague, Susan has a huge hearted hubby who is once again on the front lines of battling these current fires engulfing Northern CA. As a Chief Battalion leader his job is very dangerous and his time away from his family is often for weeks at a time during "fire season".

Before he leaves, Ethan, Susan and each of the three teens hold one another and thoughtfully each shares the best of their traditions, each one promising to do the chores that will keep the family a well oiled machine while Pops is away.
Image result for firefighter images
Ethan has brought back misplaced animals that are now added into the family fur family, including a fire scarred dessert tortoise, two parrots, and a small herd of Nubian goats.

Susan keeps her cel phone on alert for Ethan's text updates. His white substantial facial hair often is mistaken for that of Santa Claus by children who are carried out of their burning homes by him.

For each rescued child a stuffed bear or other "lovie" waits patiently to be matched together with a child in need. For each adult, Ethan has a supply of clean towels and "shower in a bag" kits.

He finds such reward in doing his job well, grateful to be often on the front line with scared people and their pets. Thinking of him today as I am here at my school site, the smoky air keeping our students inside for all recesses.
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Readers Comments

DANCE wrote: What important job he has and how wonderful to have a loving family to support him
Mish wrote: Oh simply marvelous!!!!! Wow 👍👍👍👍👍
mindyjourney wrote: Blessings to Ethan and his family, for all the loving good works they do! Thank you, for allowing us an opportunity to keep him in our prayers and thoughts.
gardengal10 wrote: All the firefighters deserve more prayers and positive thoughts. They are working above and beyond.
michelelpurce wrote: Thanking God for creating Ethan for spreading love and kindness. :)
Rajni wrote: Happy to know about heroic work of Ethan. May God bless him and safeguard him as well as all those who are "Trapped" find safe rescue. Positive support of his family is commendable. Thanks for sharing.
dandeliongirl wrote: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
gloriousday wrote: Wow, such a blessing he is ❤️
leoladyc728 wrote: he is a hero
kjoyw wrote: This is SO wonderful! Just amazing!

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