Stories of Kindness from Around the World

"Miss, I need a Minute of Your Help."

--by LiliAB, posted Oct 26, 2017
I heard these words as I finished up in the women's bathroom. The petite framed octogenarian in the larger handicapped stall was so sincere, very humbled, and crying ever so lightly.

Feeling empowered, I was ready. As she had fallen into the crevice beside the commode, I made the decision to crawl under. After adjusting her undergarments, I assisted her in coming back to stand. She had tripped over her shopping bags by her feet.

Together we did a brief once-over of each other's personages and then opened the door. I supported her weight briefly while she did a visual in the mirror. After combing her hair, putting on a new lipstick, straightening her jacket, she left the women's restroom ahead of me.

Being alert to a diminutive angel in distress, and helping in adjusting her wings and halo -- what a blessed feeling.
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Readers Comments

leoladyc728 wrote: thank you so much for aiding this woman
kindness1st wrote: I bet she really appreciated your help!
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for being her angel, my friend :)))). You meet the nicest folks in public restrooms ❤️.
Annabella wrote: Just Wow!!!!!! So moved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Mish wrote: ❤️❤️❤️❤️You are so dear, Lili❤️❤️❤️❤️
kjoyw wrote: Bless you, Lili! 💗
lindariebel wrote: Sending you 1,000 karmabucks
Oh wait, not possible via this part of the site.
Sandra wrote: Blessing opportunities can occur in strange places (even stranger than a public restroom) but what we must all act upon, as you did, is to be willing to grasp all chances to help others in need. She was blessed just as you also are blessed in helping a stranger.
kalaa wrote: God bless you for being a good samaritan.
Kixx wrote: What a lovely act. Thank you.

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