Stories of Kindness from Around the World

We Exchange Heart Gifts

--by LiliAB, posted Nov 5, 2017

Seth is a vivacious ten year old who loves geology, and biology, bio-chemistry, and most especially rocks. He attends a private school and I have the pleasure of working with him after school twice a month to help him become less anxiously consumed about his frequent stuttering blocks, focusing on rhythmic breathing and prosody strategies..

Last month Seth shared with me his idea of each of us bringing "gifts from our heart" to our therapy session. We then exchange our heart gifts,and talk about why we shared what we did. A great self discovery tool.

Today he brought me a heart shaped composite stone from his personal rock pile. I brought a clean paper sack and we collected 7 cactus babies from my Mama cacti for Seth to plant later this week after their calluses form.

I am inspired to share this idea, as Seth and I discussed it earlier today at our speech therapy session. I shared about the KindSpring website and its importance in my daily life.

Seth wanted to let my kind friends know that "gifts from your heart do not require Moms and Dads to pay for stuff, in fact they are much more important because they are a piece of who we are."

My heart gift is now in my backyard, in a place where I will see it every morning when I rise. For this my heart is smiling.
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Readers Comments

Ohiostreet wrote: Cute
DANCE wrote: lovely exchange and great idea
healingtree wrote: Lili, this sounds absolutely wonderful to me. Seth has a generous, sensitive heart! As of course do you. This is a stroke of genius. I wish I could do this with someone! Blessings. ❤❤¨¯`⋱♪♫♩♬¨¯`⋱❤❤❤ᵔᴥᵔ
mindyjourney wrote: My heart is smiling too, dear lili! The best gifts ever -- what a lovely share and focus ❤️
Mish wrote: So beautiful, Lili ❤️
leoladyc728 wrote: what a fantastic share. Seth is a sweetie with such love
Rajni wrote: We all know that love is the law of life. Love is the greatest refreshment in life. Said pablo picasso - thanks for this lovely post to inspire other to love more unconditionally.
Kixx wrote: You're an amazing teacher. And seth is a wonderful kid. <3

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