Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A National De-Monetization of Currency Leads to Issues at the Petrol Station

--by Swarup, posted Oct 29, 2017
A few months ago, India declared de-monetization of its currency. For that period of time, it was very difficult to get cash from the ATM machines. All citizens were encouraged to use their Debit/Credit cards, Internet banking, and Online wallets for all daily transactions. This is where my story starts. 

I was going to my office and stopped at a Petrol station to get petrol for my motorbike. I saw a person who was very anxious. When I took interest in his story he told me that he had filled his bike with petrol worth 200 bucks and then found out that his card was not operating  (Maybe due to network or card issues ).

Immediately I moved forward and asked him to take the cash from me instead of feeling so anxious. He kindly agreed and accepted the cash.

I felt peaceful after seeing him relax. Later he returned my money on paytm and we are still in touch, sharing good wishes towards each other during festival times.

Even though this act is not that big or great, it always encourages me to do more... and join so many others, in doing what we can to make this a better world
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Readers Comments

AndiCas wrote: How very kind of you. I have a fear of my card not working after I've filled my vehicle with fuel! So glad you were able to step in and help this gentleman.
splain wrote: I think that was incredibly kind of you.
ado wrote: You've done a great job. This must be a really great experience for both of you. Thank you for taking care of others 😀
mnc_91 wrote: Kindness creates friends
michelelpurce wrote: You were definitely the hero. SO kind of you and I am sure you taught him to do the same by seeing you do it. :) Thanks for being there for him. :)
mindyjourney wrote: thank YOU for helping making this a better world, my friend :). You act of kindness is still rippling out :))))
DANCE wrote: Thank you for being kind
Mish wrote: Awesome RAK. Bless.
1sher wrote: How very lovely and rewarding for you both- thank you!
leoladyc728 wrote: wonderful story

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