Readers Comments
FairyBubbles wrote: You have really touched my heart and I can feel tears in my eyes - this is a beautiful story - I have learnt a great deal from it. Thank you so much for the post.
JuneBug wrote: Oh Lord, let me find my tissues...My goodness! What a story,rettak! I could barely write my comment through the tears...Thank you for sharing it!!!! :)
lovebug wrote: I can't say I had tears in my eyes, as I read your story. But it did cause me to take the time to look up your profile. That is not a easy Job when a person is computer illterate. But I did manange to read, what your mother taught you. You are indeed blessed. I could say I wished my mother had taught me, what your mother taught you. But she did not. And I can with all honesty say, I do not think it would have made a difference. I might not know how to spell, or use correct english grammer, but I do know how to Love, and God taught me that.
grammagussie wrote: I too have tears in my eyes. this is such a beautiful story..Thanks for sharing it
SheliaAllen wrote: Today reading your story I have truely learned something, I try not to put people down or judge people, however sometimes I feel like I have room to talk, but in real life none of us have any room to talk about other .... I do know that when you encounter GOD you will never be the same, each day I feel like I am growing and growing in the Lord.
flowergirl wrote: oh gosh that is such a moving post
cabbage wrote: From the actions of innocent children we learn so much---your son brought you a great blessing and gift that day. Thank you so much for sharing.
Peruse Khachoyan wrote: "and a little child shall lead them. " the blind trust of children offers everyone the benefit of being seen as good. While we know that horrors happen, particularly to little ones so helpless against the evil intentioned, your story nonetheless opens our oft jaded adult eyes to an even greater reality: people are more - much more! - than their apparent circumstances.
When we choose to ignore anyone, we render them invisible and non-existent, denying their humanity and our own. Is it any wonder that the world grows more and more callous and impersonal as persons 'protect' themselves from one another? The gift of a smile, a word, an acknowledgment is as precious as life itself, for to some souls teetering on the edge of the abyss, being validated as a human being may be the only thing at a desperate point in time that keeps them from falling away from this life altogether.
Thank you for sharing this lovely story and reminding us all of the life giving power of kindness.
When we choose to ignore anyone, we render them invisible and non-existent, denying their humanity and our own. Is it any wonder that the world grows more and more callous and impersonal as persons 'protect' themselves from one another? The gift of a smile, a word, an acknowledgment is as precious as life itself, for to some souls teetering on the edge of the abyss, being validated as a human being may be the only thing at a desperate point in time that keeps them from falling away from this life altogether.
Thank you for sharing this lovely story and reminding us all of the life giving power of kindness.
sethi wrote: It is touching story beyond words. Thank you so much for sharing. There was a soul connection between your son and the old soul a loving compassionate man. God bless them both.
Nicole wrote: What a beautiful story, i'm sure you will never know the deep impact your son had on that man.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing.