Stories of Kindness from Around the World

"Our Greatest Wealth"

--by AsianWoman, posted Oct 3, 2009

We are born with two eyes in front because we must not always look behind, but see what lies ahead beyond ourselves.

We are born to have two ears. There is one on the left and one on the right so we can hear both sides, collect both the compliments and criticisms, and listen to what is right and let go of what is not.

We are born with a brain encased in a skull. Then no matter how poor we are on the outside, we are still rich inside, for as much as someone takes from us, they can never steal our minds. For the jewels and rings inside are pricelessly and eternally our own.

We are born with two eyes, two ears, but one mouth for the mouth can be a sharp weapon of hurt or an arrow to shoot the love from our hearts. While it can be used to hurt and inflict pain, it can also be a tool to give, share, and understand.

We are born with only one heart that beats through our lives to remind us that wherever we are in this world and whatever our mind tries to do, we can always be the love that dwells deep within each one of us.

~Author Unknown~

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Readers Comments

AnjuDV wrote: Very well said.
FairyBubbles wrote: That is so beautiful - lovely way for me to start my day.
Bluebell wrote: Beautiful!
sethi wrote: Posting the truth . Thank you.
Diana wrote: I enjoyed this story very much.

Thank you. :)
AuthorDiana wrote: "being blessed and also having the wisdom to
Appreciate it, is a real precious thing to
Hold on to. " -author diana lynn neiderhiser.
iferlamb wrote: Very nice!

jsmc10 wrote: This is very beautiful

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