Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Meal Train

--by MSFriend, posted Nov 19, 2017
One of the parishioners in my church, who lives alone, recently had foot surgery. A meal train where people sign up to bring a meal to a person in need was set up. Last Friday I accompanied a friend who signed up to bring a pizza and visit. This week it's my turn. Looking forward to sharing time and putting a smile on someone's face.
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MSFriend wrote: Meal train is a web-based way to organize bringing meals to a sick or injured person that is unable to fend for themselves for a time. The website is mealtrain. Com. There you put together the number of people in the family, their address, time of delivery and any restrictions, along with the dates for which meals are needed. Then you email everyone on your contact list and give them an opportunity to volunteer for a date. Anyone who volunteers can pick their date and then inserts what they will be providing. This way everyone is on the same page and the recipient doesn't get repeats. It's an awesome concept. I've done many and the recipients are so grateful.
lindariebel wrote: What exactly is a "meal train"?
Alisamom wrote: I love it, what a great way to show they are loved!
mindyjourney wrote: What a wonderful way to show you care :)). Thank you for doing!
Lilijourney wrote: Thank you for your stepping up to serve
leoladyc728 wrote: nice way to spend your time
splain wrote: Such a caring group of people
Horse-friend wrote: I appreciate your Personal involvement. :-))

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