Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Don't Say You Are Not Important

--by sethi, posted Sep 3, 2009

Don't say you are not important,

It simply isn't true,

The fact that you were born is proof,

The universe has a plan for you,

The path may seem unclear right now,

But one day you will see,

That all that came before you and me,

Was truly meant to be,

The book of life is one that you are writing,

That's all you need to know ,

Each day you are alive,

Is meant to be a best seller,

So be proud of who you are,

Your character is important,

In this book you are the star.

2070 Reads

Readers Comments

AURELIA wrote: Thanks Sethi! I love being a Star :D God Bless You. ~Aurelia
FairyBubbles wrote: What a lovely poem - thank you. I'm still smiling.
helpinghand wrote: Beautiful Poem. Thanks.
lmil1954 wrote: Thanks Sethi...(again) you did a good job!!! Thank you for posting this.
Love, Linda:)
sequoiaproject wrote: Very true! We all matter.

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