Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Pickpockets Put Back a Little Cash

--by Miracle Man, posted Aug 22, 2009

August 19, 2009 -- LONDON (Reuters) - Visitors to London always have to be on the look out for pickpockets, but now there's another, more positive phenomenon on the loose -- putpockets.

Aware that people are suffering in the economic crisis, 20 former pickpockets have turned over a new leaf and are now trawling London's tourist sites slipping money back into unsuspecting pockets.

Anything from 5 pounds ($8) to 20 pound notes is being surreptitiously deposited in unguarded pockets or open handbags in Trafalgar Square, Covent Garden and other busy spots.

The initiative, which runs until the end of August in London before being rolled out countrywide, is being funded by a broadbrand provider, which says it wants to brighten up people's lives in unusual ways.

"It feels good to give something back for a change -- and Britons certainly need it in the current economic climate," said Chris Fitch, a former pickpocket who now heads TalkTalk's putpocketing initiative.

"Every time I put money back in someone's pocket, I feel less guilty about the fact I spent many years taking it out."

London's police have been briefed about the plan, which will see at least 100,000 pounds given away.

(Reporting by Luke Baker; Editing by Kate Kelland)

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Readers Comments

Rajni wrote: Good karma of putpocketers is greatly appreciated. Thereby, they mitigate the bad effects of bad karma being pickpocketers. Job well done.
anitraslove wrote: I think that is a beautiful thing to happen being that everyone seems so cold and selfish now a days and look finally love is actually being shown. God bless all of the world from me through god who made it possible to put such love amongst strangers. Good job god as usual.
mike mezyan wrote: Great!
sequoiaproject wrote: Wow!
lindsgran wrote: I think this is a lovely idea, especially as i was a victim myself,
I had my purse stolen from my handbag within 10 minutes of arriving in london last year, with my family. I was on a b/day treat with my family and my purse contained over 100 pounds which was b/day money from my 8 grandchildren.

I can assure you it is very traumatic thing to happen.

So well done to the people doing this, instead of putting tears in folks eyes, it should put a smile on their face.
Harriet wrote: A wonderful gift!
Deb wrote: What a great idea! Will mention it on my blog gooddeedaday. Wordpress. Com
anthony rosairo wrote: It is a beautiful idea and service. Conversion can come in any form and this is one of them. Instead of pain joy is brought to many.

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