Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Pizza Thanks

--by Annc, posted Nov 10, 2017
I was in our local pizza takeout today when a couple of teenagers came in to order pizzas. They each ordered a small personal size pizza for themselves and 3 large pizzas to be delivered to the fire department. which was having a training night.

They asked the delivery person to include a note they had written thanking the members of the fire department for all they do for the community and for helping their friend when he was in a serious accident. They explained that their friend had lived because of the actions of the emergency personnel. I don't know these kids, but I am very proud of them.
1918 Reads

Readers Comments

pyronik wrote: yes, what a great story :-)
patjos wrote: Lovely thanks for sharing :)))
Mish wrote: This is so beautiful ❤️❤️❤️❤️
mindyjourney wrote: Your community is one of such loving kindness! Kudos for those thankful children :)). Tx for sharing with us too ❤️
kjoyw wrote: Great pizza kindness by these kids to some well deserved firefighters. Great story!
autumnsky38 wrote: So wonderful of them!
leoladyc728 wrote: they are wonderful to do this
ChristineAz wrote: Beautiful!
Kixx wrote: Thank you for sharing!

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