Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Mother Daughter Adventure at the Laundromat

--by LiliAB, posted Nov 21, 2017
My daughter and I have just returned from an adventure. We headed over to our local laundromat near the community college. Kelsey and I had made up small clear plastic baggies of 8 quarters each with a Smile card inside, and we brought three baggies to leave in plain view.

We entered when the laundromat had just opened at eight am. The place was very quiet and areas to set out our baggies were easily found. We then went next door to get ourselves a coffee and pastry. As we were paying we heard the squeal of delight. A lady with two little preschoolers had found one of our LOVE leaves of quarters. She was sharing with her young sons how some kind person had given her a special gift by placing quarters for her first load of laundry right in plain view by the commercial washer.

Kelsey and I sat outside the open door to the laundromat and were pleasantly surprised to have our second baggie "found" by two college-age men. They also were very jovial about their good fortune. With their bedding and towels in hand, they used the quarters to wash their large load.

The third baggie was discovered by a single woman, observably sunburned and with a gaunt, disheveled appearance. She used the baggie's worth of quarters for a cup of coffee at the coffee shop. We were pleased to have been able to give her a morning jolt of caffeine.

Fifteen minutes later we are both heading out to our respective places of employment, grateful in this opportunity to leave some LOVE and quarters at the laundromat.

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Readers Comments

lt33 wrote: What an inspiring post to read this afternoon before I head off to work that's so wonderful u girls got to experience where the quarters went and how it affected others w such joy good job girls 😉😂🙌🙌
gardengal10 wrote: Super give!
kjoyw wrote: Way to go! 👍
michelelpurce wrote: Great way to start the day! :)
mindyjourney wrote: woo-hoo! how great that both you and duaghter did :))) and we able to hear some of the kind comments too! :))) Well done!
Mish wrote: Great way to start your day & theirs!! You make a great kindness team, Lili👍👍❤️❤️
SissyLee wrote: What an awesome post.
splain wrote: Isn't it great when you actually see how your acts are accepted. It just makes your day as well. Nice one
leoladyc728 wrote: wonderful day of kindness, fun way to give
2bkind wrote: Love this and am going try it!!!!

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