Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Celebrate with Giving

--by lewski711, posted Nov 26, 2017
To celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary, Mary and I bought 5 scratchers [lottery tickets] and 5 Gerber Daisies. Then, we looked for couples out and about.

For each couple, we introduced ourselves and told them we were celebrating our silver wedding anniversary by spreading love and luck to other couples.

Reactions were great! Some were shocked at first, but everyone was smiling by the end. Gave our luck and love to couples who'd been married 23 years, 39 years, 48 year, and 59 years.

We also gave a set to our 18 year old daughter and her boyfriend. One couple wouldn't take the scratcher, but gladly took the flower, so we gave the scratcher to a woman with a sign reading "Anything helps."

What a wonderful way to share our celebration with others!

##AprilRAOK #BeKindToOthers
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Readers Comments

kalaa wrote: What a beautiful and generous way to celebrate your anniversary.
sunita wrote: What a wonderful way to celebrate your special day. Congratulations and wish you many more years of togetherness.
glenystas wrote: Happy anniversary x
leoladyc728 wrote: Happy Anniversary and many,many more. Great sharing today
horsegirl21 wrote: wonderful way to celebrate, congratulations on your 25th anniversary:)
kjoyw wrote: Happy Anniversary! What a nice giving of flowers!
SissyLee wrote: that's awesome!
verityngnosis wrote: What a wonderful way of celebrating.
Mish wrote: Happy 25th, Lewski! I like your way of celebrating!!
michelelpurce wrote: Happy anniversary ! and what way to celebrate by sharing your love. :)

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