Readers Comments
Ohiostreet wrote: "I promise" sweet words
lt33 wrote: That's sweet 😃
mindyjourney wrote: LIke the drawing too :)
leoladyc728 wrote: fantastic.
cabbage wrote: Love it! What a wonderful tribute to a beautiful teacher.
kalaa wrote: The comment speaks volumes both of the student and the teacher who taught and inspired him. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful testimonial.
David Cole wrote: The power of a loving and caring example can never be given away without returns in the hearts and minds of those we serve, teach, or influence.
That is what teaching and serving is all about. Wonderful example!
That is what teaching and serving is all about. Wonderful example!
seesee wrote: It's like the bible says " and a little child shall lead them"! .
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing!
nankers wrote: Aw my heart is touched! Truly inspiring! God bless you for being a guiding compass!